Acest premiu este oferit de Carpi Competitions, așa că iată ce trebuie să faci:
– Obține-ți biletul gratuit.
– Urmărește-ne pe Facebook, TikTok and Instagram, plus etichetează cel puțin 3 prieteni în această postare de pe Instagram.
– Asigură-te că nu omiti niciunul dintre acești pași, altfel participarea ta nu va fi validă.
Apoi relaxează-te și așteaptă extragerea în direct!
Please make sure you provide the correct answer to the question!
Please make sure you provide the correct answer to the question.
The competition allows a maximum of 20,000 entries.
Your ticket numbers are assigned randomly and will be visible in your account after registration. Additionally, you will receive an email containing your ticket numbers.
Upon entry, you confirm that you have reviewed and accepted our terms and conditions; please familiarize yourself with them before participating.
Winning is not guaranteed even if you register and answer the question correctly.
To maintain complete transparency, all draws are broadcast live on our Facebook page, and winners are selected using the random number generator from Google.
To receive news about new competitions, winners, and much more, please subscribe to our newsletter and follow our Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube pages.